Ovariohysterectomy (Cat Spay)

Before the procedure takes place, we ask that you, (the owner) read this information carefully as it provides you with knowledge ready for the elected procedure. All surgical procedures undertaken carry associated risks and complications. Although rare, we want you to be fully informed before you proceed.

Starving is required for patients undergoing a general anaesthetic. We recommend feeding dinner as normal, but then no food to be given after midnight, and no breakfast on the morning of the surgery. Water is allowed and can be removed when you get up in the morning. If the animal is less than 4 months old then the starving instructions may differ slightly. We would advise that you contact the surgery at info@midlandvetsurgery.co.uk for further guidance.

The procedure your cat will be having is called an ovariohysterectomy or more commonly a cat spay. This surgical procedure involves removing the ovaries and the uterus or womb. Once this procedure has been performed it cannot be reversed. Benefits to your cat include:

  1. Eliminates behaviours associated with, and permanently stops further seasons 
  2. Prevents unwanted pregnancies and reduces the urge to roam
  3. May reduce aggressive instincts and therefore fighting
  4. Prevents pyometra (womb infection)

Please read the following list of complications that can result from this procedure and ask a member of staff if you have any questions or concerns. This list is not exhaustive. We will discharge your cat with a buster collar to be worn at all times which can help reduce the incidence of post-operative complication. Ideally this should be worn for a full 10 days. There are surgical vests that can used instead, although these would need to be purchased by yourself as we do not stock these items. Should an accepted complication arise, owners are liable for the costs associated with the complication

  1. Anaesthetic death
  2. Haemorrhage (bleeding) both during and after the procedure (inside or outside of the abdomen)
  3. Wound break down
  4. Wound infection
  5. Bruising and swelling
  6. Seroma (pocket of fluid)
  7. Damage to internal organs including tying off ureters
  8. Pain
  9. Suture material reaction
  10. Herniation
  11. Peritonitis
  12. Risk of injury on recovery post-operatively
  13. Clipper rash or skin reaction to surgical scrub
  14. The procedure is performed on the flank and in some breeds the fur can re-grow a different colour. If this is of concern the procedure can be performed mid line. Please discuss this with a member of staff.

We take precautions to minimise these risks to your cat, however on occasion complications do arise. We do offer post-operative checks at 3 and 10 days post-surgery to monitor your cat’s recovery.

Return to Pre-Operative Information

Practice information

Midland Veterinary Surgery

  • Mon
    8:00am - 7:00pm
  • Tue
    8:00am - 7:00pm
  • Wed
    8:00am - 7:00pm
  • Thu
    8:00am - 7:00pm
  • Fri
    8:00am - 7:00pm
  • Sat
    8:00am - 2:00pm
  • Sun

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